Lifting Chains and Fittings

Grade 80, 100 and 120 alloy are by far the most common chains and fittings used in lifting applications. Some steel mills still use Grade 63 alloy chain for lifting but it is mostly limited to that industry and many of the chains have been changed to Grade 80 and 100 over the years.
Grade 80 and 100 lifting chains are often used in the steel industry as they are extremely resilient and last many years when properly used and maintained. It is important to note that in Ontario chain slings can be rated based on 4 to 1 design factor as long as they are NOT being used in the construction industry. When used in the construction industry, the chain slings must be rated based on a 5 to 1 design factor as per Construction Safety Association of Ontario.
It is also possible that some companies require all chain slings to be rated at a 5 to 1 design factor as a standard. Although many chain slings are used in the steel industry, they are also used in almost every industry where wire rope is used. The benefits of using chain are the life cycle cost of the product and the durability and the length adjustability (when shorteners are present).
The down side of chain is that the weight of the product makes it difficult to manipulate in some industry applications. We recommend using only Grade 80, 100 and 120 products for lifting as well as other products that are Proof Tested and approved as per the manufacturers recommendation and specifications. Ensure the products being used are from a reputable manufacturer and are designed for overhead lifting. NEVER USE Grade 30, 40 or 70 chain for lifting; ONLY Grade 80, 100 and 120 chain and fittings are commonly rated for lifting. All chain slings we manufacture are Proof Tested in-house to twice the rated work load limit and come with a Test Certificate. Each chain sling is equipped with a heavy duty metal ID tag with the following information: our name and logo, contact number and e-mail, size, length, WLL and angle of use, date, serial number, design factor and number of legs.
Product Information
Click on the appropriate link below to see Wire Rope Lifting Slings for your specific application.
- IRSI Chain Slings
- Kito Grade 80 100 chain
- Kito Magnet Chains
- Kito Plate Hooks
- Yoke Grade 80 100 Testing Information
- Yoke Grade 80 100 Testing Information
- Yoke Incorrect Use of Products
- Yoke Grade 100 ML CL ESLH
- Yoke Grade 100 CSH and CFH
- Yoke Grade 100 Self Locking Hook
- Yoke Grade 100 Grip Safe Hooks
- Hoist Hook Yoke Alloy Swivel Bearing
- Hoist Hook Yoke Alloy