Wire Rope Lifting Slings

Wire rope slings are manufactured in many different diameters and lengths. Wire rope slings are still very commonly used either with standard or thimble Flemish eyes or different fitting types spliced or swaged onto the end of the wire rope. Wire rope slings can also come in 2, 3 and 4 leg sling assemblies and provide an excellent choice for many applications in most industries as they can be custom made to your needs. They are used in many industries including general construction and contracting, water main and sewer work and repair, open pit mining, underground mining, aggregate mining, shaft sinking, oil and gas industries, steel erection, machinery movers, as well as machine shops and automotive car stamping plants and drilling.
Wire rope lifting slings are much more resilient than synthetic slings and much lighter than chain and are still widely used in today's markets. It is important to note that wire rope lifting slings should be manufactured using a Flemish eye splice (mechanical type) as it is the most efficient mechanical splice and an industry standard. Some manufacturers may use an inferior type of splice known as a "Texas Tuck", "Inside Tuck" or "Y splice" to name a few. Do not let someone tell you these types of splices are equal in efficiency to a Flemish eye splice as they are inferior. Ensure your supplier of wire rope slings is using the mechanical Flemish eye splice for your wire rope slings and assemblies.
Each of our lifting slings comes equipped with strong reinforced nylon tag at one end, and for some customers we install a metal ID tag at the other end. Our tags have the following information on them: our company name and logo, size, length, work load limits based on hitches or lifting angle, design factor, serial number (when applicable) and number of legs (when applicable). We also use galvanized wire rope for 98% of all the wire rope slings we manufacture as they are much cleaner to use and do not rust after a few days of being exposed to the elements. Remember to never exceed the work load limit of the sling; use the sling in the way it is designed to be used, ensure the tag is legible with all pertinent information, inspect the sling before each use, never stand under a load or within close proximity in case of a failure and ensure everyone around you is also clear from any danger.